2016 Fall All Access Days Recap

2016 Fall All Access Days Recap

One week ago today 110 high school students arrived on Southeastern’s campus to experience three days of All Access Days.  All Access Days is a time twice a year when high school students are invited to come on campus and experience college life. Our hope is that many...
Student Body Express Love and Appreciation for Alumni

Student Body Express Love and Appreciation for Alumni

View this document on Scribd   It is amazing to see what the Lord is doing here at Southeastern Free Will Baptist College, especially in the past few weeks! Part of that is how He continues to use our SE Alumni to be a blessing to the college and the student...

Southeastern Wants YOU! Register Today!

All Access Days [pbutton url=”https://goo.gl/forms/zOSVccuHD0wX33yC2″ text=”Sign up Online for All Access Days * iPhone Users Click Here” new_window=”no”]   All Access Days [content_block id=1143...
Steve’s Friday Top Five 10-14-16

Steve’s Friday Top Five 10-14-16

Southeastern’s 2016/17 year continues on an exciting course. An alumnus, friend, and deeply committed Southeastern supporter has encouraged me to write more regular, periodic updates on the happenings around Southeastern. Honestly, there is a constant stream of...
New Semester Update 8/30/2016

New Semester Update 8/30/2016

8/30/2016       Dear 20/20 Partners, The Southeastern Free Will Baptist College school year has officially begun. The atmosphere on campus is one of eager anticipation for all that the Lord is going to do in the hearts and lives of our students. Our...