Dear 20/20 Partners,
The Southeastern Free Will Baptist College school year has officially begun. The atmosphere on campus is one of eager anticipation for all that the Lord is going to do in the hearts and lives of our students.
Our 20/20 Vision continues on with great success. It is exciting to see new people uniting with our vision of training and sending servants into the harvest. The Promotional Department is beginning to share the Five Pillars of Partnership that our partners have with Southeastern. The first group that partners with us is our students. They entrust us with their spiritual vitality, physical well-being and academic future. The second group that partners with us is churches. They entrust us with their students, finances, and future leaders. The third group that partners with us is individuals. These folks partner with our vision and give their heart and resources to see God’s kingdom advanced through our ministry. The fourth group that partners with us is businesses. The business owners value God’s heart for the world and their resources that God has made them stewards over. Seeking for eternal investment for their resources, they partner with Southeastern to help us train and send servants into communities at home and abroad. The last group that partners with Southeastern is foundations. These entities were established with a distinct purpose to use their resources to make a difference. Our foundation partners care not only about earthly treasures but eternal treasures as well. Therefore, they partner with Southeastern to help us complete our mission.
These Five Areas of Partnership work in unity to keep student tuition affordable. Southeastern has always believed in offering a quality education at an affordable price to students from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds.
Student Partners – I want to give you a little update about some of our progress in the Promotional Department. Although we are excited to have 29 first timers at Southeastern our overall student enrollment is 87 which is down from the 89 students of last semester. Several last semester students did not return. Many of those had financial difficulties and have committed to return in the future. This department is very intriguing. While on one day you have something to rejoice about, before the day’s end you also find something to be discouraged about if you don’t realize that both the victory and the disappointment are God’s. (Zech. 4:6)
We want you to know that we are committed to growth and improvement and are working diligently toward next semester’s enrollment. God has truly given us some quality freshmen leaders. We have young people that have already attained some success in their Christian walk and possess a heart to grow and be sent out for our King.
Foundation Partners – Cindy and I are thrilled to announce that 20/20 Vision has signed up its first new Foundation Partner. In June, a dear couple made the decision to remember Southeastern College in their already established Charitable Remainder Trust. Their lawyer has now contacted Southeastern and formally registered this Trust with the College. Please join us in praying for more people to partner with us in this way.
Business Partners – The promotional department has now begun engaging our constituents in its Five Pillars of Partnership. Each pillar of partnership is vital to our continued success. Added to that, we have goals and strategies for each pillar of partners. Very soon we will begin contacting potential donors to invite them to participate in our 20/20 Vision by being a “Business Coalition or Foundation Partner.” You may help us by praying for and sharing this news with any potential partners that are under your sphere of influence.
Church Partners – The groundwork is being laid for a nice “Southeastern Day” this year on March 26th. Every church we have been in since February has joyfully received our 20/20 Vision plaque or Southeastern plaque identifying themselves as a church that partners with us. Information is beginning to go out informing them of Southeastern Day 2017 and they are being asked to participate by receiving an offering. We are asking you to help in this effort by contacting pastors you know. I do ask that each of our Cooperating Board members put special effort into this year’s “Southeastern Day.” Please set a numerical goal, share it with your leaders and then promote it to victory. I’m hoping that each church can mail into the college or bring their offering to the Spring Conference. We will share this as a Victory Offering at the Spring Conference and use it to gain momentum going into the summer. We have set a goal of $100,000.00 for our “Victory Offering.”
Individual Partners – We rejoice for our new 20/20 Vision Partners who have joined with us since February. We have gained 45 new monthly 20/20 Vision Partners. That equals $956 monthly for a total of $11,472.00 annually. We are grateful for the progress in this area. Please keep praying and promoting Individual Partnership to those to whom you minister.
Upcoming Opportunities – As we figure out how to grow and improve our processes, we are adding some various ideas that you as partners have been suggesting for some time.
- Heritage Day (Sept. 8th) is a day when we are inviting our Senior Citizens from various churches to come and share in a chapel service. We will share a meal with them in the cafeteria and present them with a gift from
Southeastern while thanking them for their years of support for SE.
- September 21st is a day when we have William Federer (Christian Historian, Author, TV Personality) sharing in our history classes and speaking for us in chapel. We are inviting area pastors to attend chapel with us on that day.
- 7 & 8 is Wendell Harvest Festival. We will have a Southeastern booth set up in the Wendell downtown district. Students will be making balloons and running a small festival type game at our booth while interacting with community folks.
- All Access Days are scheduled for 3 – 5, 2016 and March 23 – 25, 2017.
- 2nd is the day that Wendell celebrates the coming of Christmas. Our ensemble will be singing a couple of Christmas songs in the Wendell town square.
Thank you for your partnership as a 20/20 Vision Partner of Southeastern Free Will Baptist College. I invite you to attend this year’s Spring Conference (Road to Revival) April 10 – 11, 2017. Please know that I am available to answer any questions you may have or to field any ideas that you may have to share.
Making Him Known,
Steve Berry