Academic Dean, Marc Holloman reflects on Southeastern’s Commencement Exercises on May 7, 2021.
Our 37th Graduation was a fantastic celebration of God’s goodness on many levels. We graduated fourteen students (1 Associate, 6 Bachelor’s in Bible, 7 Bachelor’s in Christian Education) into local church ministry.
Two of our graduates (Abby Hair, Jonathon Cribb) gave testimony about God’s providence and power in their lives throughout their four years at the college. Rodney Holloman ’92, Pastor of Hardin Valley Free Will Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN, and former Bible Department Chair from 2003-2013, served as commencement speaker. He spoke from I Peter 5:11, a sermon titled “Spotlight and Glory” be given to Jesus Christ.
We are thrilled for our graduates and excited for how God will use each one in classrooms, pulpits, and businesses throughout the world in the coming days.
May we all echo the Apostle Peter with our lives and say, “To him [Christ] be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”

(Left to right – Erin Harris, Abby Hair, Sofia De Los Santos, Dakoda Addington, Caleb Griffey, Wyatt Brown, Jonathon Cribb, Josh Cox, Britt Harris, Cassidy Clary, Makayla Manriquez, Allison Holloman, Lauren Cunningham) Not pictured is Wesley Young due to Covid-19 quarantine.