Ken Cash
College Dean
Ken Cash was born in St. Louis, Missouri, but spent his childhood in Columbia City, Indiana. He is a first-generation believer who earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Education and Bible from Free Will Baptist Bible College in 1987. Ken and his wife Jayne have served in ministry for over thirty years, first in Tennessee and then in North Carolina.
Ken began serving as a youth pastor, where he was privileged to invest in the next generation. He continued in that role for many years before transitioning into the role of an administrative pastor. In this role, Ken’s love for people and skill in administration shone through. Eventually, Ken became a senior pastor dedicated to sharing the message of Jesus Christ with a lost world. In 2019, Ken and his wife were approved for missionary service, and they served in Bulgaria until late 2023.
counting it as a privilege to invest in the lives of young men and women, as they train for a life in ministry. He will complete his Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies from Columbia International University next year.
Ken and Jayne are blessed with two daughters, Rachel and Rebekah, who are Southeastern alumni and two sons-in-law, Ed Goode and Jeremy Huff. As proud grandparents, their hearts are also filled with joy by their three grandsons.
E-Mail: kcash@sfwbc.edu
Office Phone Number: 919-365-7711 ext. 106