Elementary Education
B.D.B. in Elementary Education
(Bachelor’s Degree in Bible)
Prepare yourself to teach children a variety of subjects in the Christian school setting!
When you receive your Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, you will be prepared to teach young children in the Christian school. This degree requires you to learn a multitude of subjects, the art of teaching, and how to handle the classroom properly. The professors in this course are individuals who have years of experience in the classroom and are ready to equip you to teach the next generation!
In this degree, you can select a proficiency. The following are our proficiencies for our elementary education degree: English, Mathematics, Music, Social Studies, and Science.

Your Elementary Education Degree Will Teach You
- To demonstrate a biblical worldview that influences education and implements the Great Commission.
- To Excercise multiple teaching methods based on grade level, content, and student needs.
- How to demonstrate content knowledge pertaining to the subjects being taught.
- To demonstrate effective classroom management skills.
- The development of valid and reliable assessment tools.
Meet Your Department Chair
You will have the incredible opportunity to study with experienced and educated professionals specializing in specific areas related to your degree. Your advisor will guide you on what classes to take throughout your time here at Southeastern and teach some of your courses. Dr. Moots is a veteran and admired professor loved by our students and alumni.

Dr. Russ Moots
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Featured Courses in this Degree
BI 103- Introduction to Biblical Studies
The principles of hermeneutics are covered with emphasis given to the historical grammatical interpretation of Scripture. Attention is also given to learning how to use analytical outlines of Biblical texts.
HI 301, 302- United States History I, II
This course is an examination of America’s early social, economic, political, and religious beginnings from the discovery of America through 1876. It then transitions to an examination of the rise of America to a position of world power from the post-reconstruction era to the present. This course is taught from a Christian view of the events of this period.
TE 307- Biblical Perspective of Worldviews
This course will guide the student to develop critical thinking skills by exploring contemporary issues through the context of biblical teaching. The student will be guided to develop the ability to present truth claims of the Christian faith in a rational and logical manner.
TE 310- Educational Psychology
A study of the psychology of learning which the student is taught to apply to the teaching process.
TE 401- Teaching Art and Music
This course is designed to acquaint the prospective student with the theories, methods, materials, and procedures necessary to teach classroom art and music.